The Perfect Date – Romance for all Occasions

About Our Service
Romance is the glamour that turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze
No one ever said the Art of Romance was easy. In fact, most men do not have a clue when it comes to the all-important first impression and that critical first date, where women are either awed and intrigued, or disappointed and put-off. And unfortunately, many married men never consider asking their wives out on formal dates, much to the disappointment of married women all over.
But we have to give the guys a break. Most have spent their lives acquiring and working jobs and have had little time to learn the finer points of romance and the way to a woman’s heart.

Not to worry. The Perfect Date was created specifically to help men who have earned success in the professional world, yet have struggled at dating. Some men are uncomfortable reentering the dating market after being out of circulation for years. Whether the problem has been a lack of creativity, the lack of an organized plan, a confidence issue, or a poor understanding of dating etiquette, we can eliminate those awkward, disappointing outings, working carefully with you and your specific circumstances to create for you The Perfect Date!
I am a director/producer, a writer of thrillers, short stories, film, essays and poetry. If you visit the website from time to time, you will get a chance to read some of my work. As an artist, I like to think I am well-read, familiar with the great poets and thinkers, who I have enjoyed in French, Spanish, Italian and Latin. As a young man, I immersed myself in in Music, in Art, in Dance, Theatre, Philosophy, Religion, Politics, Cuisine, Wine, Travel, Cultures and above all else, in the idea of Romance.
Over time, I realized my unique skill set and many inside connections suited me best as a Romantic, if not for myself, then for others. The Perfect Date is the nexus of all things romantic, an opportunity for me to help couples explore and enjoy the wonderment and the excitement of romance.
More than merely a date coaching service, The Perfect Date focuses more on the event itself and on creating unforgettable moments. I expect you to work with me, to be involved in the date planning on some level. In that way, we want you to get all the credit you deserve for providing The Perfect Date.
Of course, there will be some coaching going on. If you’re in the habit of wearing plaid green pants, a striped shirt and a polka-dot necktie, I will strongly suggest a new wardrobe. If your conversation skills need a little work, I will draw on my Communication Studies background to make you more fluent and at ease, one-on-one.
Have Some Fun!
And yet, we will remind you not to take either yourself or a single date too seriously. Dates are supposed to be enjoyable and exciting, and that is something I will never let you forget. You are more charming, confident and engaging when you are having fun!
According to psychologists,* although studies have shown that humour is not linked to intelligence… the findings provide evidence that women use humour as an indication of a guy’s intelligence.
By contrast, women consider a dour, strongly-opinionated and overly-serious man a downer and a poor catch. Lecture her or beat her in a debate and she’ll throw you back, or worse, she’ll cut the line!
* British Psychological Society Annual Conference, April, 2009
Special occasions that warrant The Perfect Date

Marriage Proposal — If there is ever an occasion where you want everything just right, it is at that special moment when you decide to “pop the question. Suffice it to say, on what might be the most significant date you will ever have in life, you definitely want someone to have your back!
Marriage Proposal Ideas!

Birthday — The day comes only once a year. Whether she’s turning 21, 30, 40 or 50, make that day a special one that she’ll cherish forever by taking her on The Perfect Date!

Valentine’s Day — It’s a day for lovers, a day to break from the usual routine of dinner and a movie. We’ll take the time to plan the complete day for you, from the morning’s chocolates and coffee to the cocktails, dinner and dessert in the evening. Valentine’s Day is also an excellent opportunity to invite that special someone out on a first date. Of course, this day requires a degree of extra planning, since so many couples go out on Valentine’s Day. You’ll want to call by the second week of January at the latest.

Honeymoon/Anniversary — Whether you are celebrating a new marriage or reaffirming a long-term commitment, you deserve time alone in a pleasant setting in order to do that. The necessary requirements are alone time, atmosphere and activities, which we will plan for you, according to the information you have shared. You may not realize it, but there are many wonderful getaways you can enjoy right in our own city, some within miles of your home, others just a little ways up the road. You just have to know where to look.

Just Because… — Sometimes you don’t need a special occasion. Sometimes you just want her to know you appreciate her and everything she means to you. Maybe you want to send Mom out for a special date on Mother’s Day, or you want your parents to have a special time after a 50th wedding anniversary. Whatever the occasion, all you have to do is give some thought to what you would like to do and contact us at The Perfect Date. We will go through painstaking efforts and exhaust every resource available to assure you will have The Perfect Date.